This week you will be moving your Vanila Walk blocking to Spline from Stepped mode.
Before you start Splining the walkcycle firstly apply all the notes you got from your mentor and
then add the foot stomp by having the foot slam down on the floor first and in the next frame flatten
the toe on the ground this way you will get nice feel of weight.
Moving from Stepped to Splines :
1. I usually switch from Stepped to Auto mode because it saves time but it doesn't mean that you
don't have to tackle the web of Splines .
2. Add very subtle squash and stretch on the Hip.
3. After moving into Auto mode do a Playblast of the walkcycle and go through the Playblast
again and again and note down all the problems you see.
4. We always start Splining from the Root and here root means the Hip. Next step will be to
remove all the redundant keys (extra keys) . Smooth out all the curves add
ease in and out by stretching the the tangents out or closing them . Do the same for the other
controllers aswell.
5. Also watch the foot push off below is the link which was very helpful for me when i was
working on the foot push off.
6. Track the Hip , knee and foot arc.
7. Look for the knee pops , you can avoid knee pops by having the leg slightly bend because if
the leg goes from completely straight to bend than it will create a pop .
Come up with something creative and simple for the Concern Pose .
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