



I am writing this post because I think this will be really helpful for those who are going through the same situation.

Two months back I was started working on the Acting Shot. I was really excited as this was my second acting shot, everyone knows that first acting shot is kind of practices.
I started with recording the Acting Reference but let me tell you I am camera shy person, still I was able to cover that nervousness and got my final reference ready after several takes. Then before I move on to blocking stage I decided to take reviews from my peers and asked them  what they feel about the reference is it matching the same tempo that the dialogue has?
 I was really Surprised to get so many positive reply and they all said one word which I was really struggling with “Good Acting”. I was really happy that finally I had overcome my fear of facing camera and acting it out and most important sharing it with people to know their reviews. Then I moved on to finding the Key poses from my reference  and start blocking in Maya .

My blocking completed and then I again posted for reviews . Everyone said it is pretty good in blocking stage and I also got some great suggestions from my Peers and Bobby Beck . Everything was moving smoothly till now.
Then I applied all the suggestions which I felt would enhance the shot and move to next stage BlockingPlus . I added all the necessary Breakdowns and Inbetweens in my Shot and I had added the drag and overlap in my Breakdowns and Inbetweens. I showed again posted for reviews and I got quite good reviews. Then I Moved on to spline satge and did the polish pass . Now this time when I showed it to my peers and Bobby Beck they said one big thing is missing and that was “overlap and drag” and the character looked stiff throughout the scene. I was like what?  Because according to me I had put it in my shot but it never appeared to others maybe I have been watching this shot again and again since I started it and that is why I felt it is looking smooth and it has everything .

So I decided to take some Detailed notes from my Class 4 mentor Mike Gasaway . I mailed him the playblast and he said the same thing “overlap and drag” missing and then I decided to start over again .
 I know to some people it may sound crazy and  they may say that you would have gone back to BlockingPlus stage instead of starting all over again but I wanted start very fresh.

I was once going through Mike’s website and I found that he had something called Personal Critique Session which I found was really Helpful for me. I decided to take those sessions ,so I took 2 sessions for 75 US Dollar which are worth it.
Then I started the blocking again and after each stage I would send my file to Mike he would go through the playblast and then we would set our time for Google Hangout . I was really excited to have my work critiqued by Mike that to live because I know he gives really great suggestion and solutions and points out where you need to improve and where it is looking really good.
So , after getting my shot critiqued on each stage I finally had a final Piece . Then I went back to my old acting shot polish pass and compared it with the final piece that I had after attending all the critique sessions by Mike. It had a vast difference that I could see , character in old shot looked so stiffed and no overlap and drag I could see. I could now feel what others were telling me because now I have been watching the new shot from long time which has soomther feel to it and overlap and drag was also present in the shot.

You can yourself see the difference between the older version and the new version ,below are the videos;

Older Polish Version

Please Find the link to Newer Final Version after I took Mike Gasaway's 
Personal Critique Session

I have been in Mike’s  class previously and he is the best Mentor I could ever recommend anyone . I call him my Energy Booster ,I  remember when I used to attend his class at AM he was always full of energy and keeps us motivated and you could never stop watching him and never get bored and Yawn. I really miss those classes and it has always been fun interacting with him.
For me Mike is my Life savier. I  am really glad that I had him as my mentor and I will always be his student.
Thanks Allot Mike for always being on my Side and help me out in my Animation.

If anyone going through the same situation or struggling in Animation and want someone to help them out I would really recommend Mike Gasaway’ Personal Critique Sessions . Please find the link Below;

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